Saturday, February 23, 2013

Not Your Father's Old MacDonald

I doubt you'll ever find goats screaming like victims of torture over at Old MacDonald's place. But that's what my husband's teaching my daughter. He's obsessed with this video on Youtube, which, I must admit, is very funny. You should check it out. 

I'm not so sure that my daughter should be watching it, though. We're already so removed from nature as it is. We have to drive an hour plus from NYC to get to Stone Barns, which is a really cool working farm in Westchester County. The place is great, but, in truth, we go about once or twice a year for a couple hours.

Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Claire, George and chickens at Stone Barns

Instead, Claire has Youtube, which is right at our fingertips. Much to my dismay, she gets to learn about animals secondhand through a virtual source. She gets to see that the magic of computer technology transforms animals into burping, screaming and/or crying humans. Funny, yes. Educational, no.

In a few years, I think she might be old enough to join in on the fun. Until then, I think it's a good idea that she learn the real sounds that animals make first.

George would probably tell me to lighten up a bit. After all, it's only a video. In response, I would say that I'd be happy to make a deal with him. He gets the screaming goats video, if I get more family trips to Stone Barns when the weather gets warmer...

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  1. Hey Rachel! This made me laugh. I just wanted to let you know I started a new blog hop and would love for you to link up and join the party! You can find it here:


  2. I think I'm with you on getting the real farm deal for Claire and skipping the screaming goats videos. They were kind of scary, really. Funny, but a little scary. You're so fabulous. We have a farm near here, that's free, actually, so we end up going a lot. Each time, there are signs of what new babies have been born that we can see - my favorite part. :)

  3. This is very funny, and you're right :-) I wrote a post about visiting a sheep farm. I liked it almost a little too much. I am determined to be a sheep farmer now. Really. I mean it. Take your kids to the farm!!!!!

    1. I don't know if I want to be a sheep farmer. But I do want to see a few! :)

  4. Funny video, but not a laughing matter really. But then again, we have animated films showing animals talking and we're all "normal" right? Soooooo glad I raised my trio before the computer era. BB2U

  5. If you can't see the real thing the internet is the second best thing to learn.

    Thanks for stopping by and linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party! You are one of the one's whose helped make my party a success!!


    1. That's a good point, Paula. I just have to find a way to get her the real thing, though.

  6. Haha- very cute. I am with you on learning animal sounds first. Zane is at the point where he says moo for every animal sound,lol! That picture of the goat with the Mardi Gras beads in funny! And the video:)

  7. Totally fair trade.

    Can we come to Stone Barns, too??

  8. The video doesn't work for me (says unavailable). I'm going to go find it on youtube. :)

  9. Sounds like a good deal Rachel. We are on Long Island and did the whole Game Farm last year. It was a good idea in theory, but this city girl got tired real quick and was longing for something else pretty quickly!!

    1. ha, ha! That's funny. No, I don't need a farm every day, but every now and then would be a good happy medium!

  10. I tried living in the city and thought I was gonna lose my mind. Country life suits me just fine. Those screaming goats on the other hand...not so much! :)

  11. I love goats they are just too much fun! And that video is too funny.

    1. Goats are so weird, in a good kind of way!

  12. Although the movie is funny, I agree with you on going to the farm and seeing the animals first hand.


  13. I grew up with my grandparent's farm as my back yard. There are times I miss it, but most of the time, I'm happy I reside in the city. Too many conveniences that I've grown used to over the years. Aren't there any petting zoo's in NYC? Check it out. I remember several there a few years ago. It would be a whole lot closer for you. Good post!

    1. Petting zoos are just not the same. I don't like zoos either.

  14. Oh goodness that's funny!! I'm going to let my kid watch it when he's done with Harry Potter lol! Thanks so much for sharing it. I think I'm going to have to blog it myself... it's SO funny!!
    We're as city as you can get (we do live about a mile from the zoo though) so youtube is about as close as I get to non-dog/cat animals!!

    Thanks again!
    Marianne from Sandling All Day

  15. Hiarious video! Luckily, we get to go to a lot of fetes and bazaars around here with petting zoos so the boys get to see and touch rabbits, ducks, chickens.
    They even got to ride a pony the other weekend and haven't stopped talking about it since!

    1. I would love to do that with Claire someday.

  16. I think most city children have the wrong idea about animals. I remember years ago a survey was done amongst city kids and they all thought milk came from cartons.

    1. Oh, no! Not my daughter! I will NOT let that happen, even if it means internet!!

  17. There's a lot in what you say - but at least she's getting exposure to animals somehow. Better than your daughter later thinking milk comes only from cartons etc.

    Hope you manage to twist hubby's arm - and all get to Stone Barns more often this year!

    1. Just feels like a poor substitute though.

  18. The video made me laugh again!!! Zane is so into learning his animal sounds through technology but calls every animal sound meow-lop!
